About jason

jason is a set of lightweight helpers that makes it simpler to return JSON http responses from a Django view.


Can be downloaded from PyPi, or via a package manager:

pip install jason


jason.response(data={}, status=200, message='OK')

Wraps the arguments in a dictionary and returns a HttpResponse object with the HTTP status set to status. The body of the response is JSON data on the format:

    "status": 400,
    "message": "OK",
    "data": {"ids": [1, 2, 3]}

The content of data is serialized using the DjangoJSONEncoder class.


import jason

def my_view(request):
    return jason.response({'weight': 80}, 200, 'OK')
jason.view(allowed_methods, exceptions={})

Decorates a Django function based view and wraps it’s return in the jason.response() function. The view should return a list or tuple which is unpacked using the *-operator into jason.response().

The view can raise a jason.Bail Exception.

allowed_methods lists which HTTP methods are allowed, e.g. [‘GET’, ‘POST’].

exceptions is a dictionary where the keys are Exception classes and values are callables. It defines responses for raised Exceptions other than the jason.Bail Exception. The callable should return a tuple or list that can unpacked into jason.response().


import jason

@jason.view(allowed_methods=['GET', 'POST'], exceptions={
    WebFault: lambda e: ({}, 400, e.message, )
def my_view(request):
    return {'numbers': get_numbers()},

A json pendant to permission_required. Will return a 401 response if the user is not allowed. The body of the response will be the following json data:

    "status": 401,
    "message": "Unauthorized",
    "data": {}


import jason

def my_view(request):
exception jason.Bail(data={}, status=400, message='Bad Request')

This exception can be raised inside a view decorated by jason.view(). The arguments are the same as to jason.response(). When raised the return of the view will be the output of the jason.response() function.


import jason

def my_view(request):
    if not_to_my_liking():
        raise jason.Bail({}, 400, 'Do not like!')


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